Saturday, August 06, 2005

# 15
~ Saturday ~

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WOW - it´s been a LOOOOOONG and busy and tiring week! By last night (Friday) I was EXHAUSTED ... so after school I took a quick nap before we were off to one of the host families´ house for a welcome party. We thought it would last from about 8 – 10pm, but we were there until nearly midnight! All the host families and the administration were there. The Administrators are the owners AND directors of the school - a wife/husband team. I tried to make the rounds at the party to mingle and chat with all the parents and supporters. Their administration wants us to expand and deepen the program... there’s lots to discuss and work out.

Thursday afternoon there was FINALLY a bit of sun for the afternoon, but then it POURED! This actually cleaned up the air quality a lot. Although there was a bit of SNOW on the school roof Friday morning, the sun came out clear and strong and it got quite warm (maybe 60s) and melted the dusting of snow quickly. It was a BEAUTIFUL afternoon!

Thursday Patty and I took off early from school (her classes were done by noon that day) and we went to the Center of Santiago. We had a typical Chilean lunch then off to the museum of fine arts to see a Rodin exhibit and the Chilean permanent collection.

After the museum, we went to a hill in the center of the city where you can go up a Funicular - which is a type of train tram for steep hills - to the top and get a great view of the city. By that time the fog was beginning to roll in so we didn’t see as much as we hoped. There’s a church and huge statue of Mary at the top. In summer there’s a zoo and a couple swimming pools for family fun. Pope Paul was there once (at the chapel) and held mass.

Friday, I helped out in a couple of English classes: grade 8, HS frosh, and Patty’s elementary special needs English class. The Frosh class I took for the whole period. They were working on a project following up watching the documentary “Super Size Me” ... the guy that lived only on McDonald’s food for a month. Some interesting ideas they gathered from it about American’s eating habits, etc. We got to discuss how it’s not indicative of ALL North Americans, however.

I have a TON of photos, but I’m having trouble getting them up onto the internet ... every computer connection I can find so far is quite slow - even though they use cable. I’m resting quite a bit today. I sat out in the sun for a little while trying to absorb what I could. I did some laundry a couple days ago, but it takes about 3 days for it to dry on the line outside! No clothes dryer. My jeans are almost ready!

This coming week is going to be even more nuts than last. Two field trips in one week (one postponed) and two days of PowerPoint presentations. The following week we have Monday and Friday off from school. Ski day is Thursday of that week. The time seems to be flying by … only 2 1/2 weeks left! I’ll get some photos up as soon as I can.

From a parent:
You all don't really seem so far away since we have the blog. It's great, especially the pictures. Hope you get all the girls to write some thoughts. I last talked with Daphne on Sunday evening. She's been having a 'very good time'. She floored me when she said she has been eating fish! Is this really my child? Hope the schooling is going well for you all. Thanks for everything.chao-Elaine

The biggest difference I notice between the Colegio Juanita de los Andes and McAuley High School is the classroom environment. There is little control over the students; an obviously stark contrast to McAuley classes as a whole. The students (as everyone of us from McAuley has noted) have zero respect for the teachers, and as a result, the classes are always screaming battles between the teachers and the students. Truthfully, I don't know how the teachers can even stand teaching in that kind of environment. Naturally, there are some exceptions, as some teachers have some control over there classes. I do want to make it clear that I like CJA, however, coming from McAuley, where there is respect for the teachers (with a few exceptions), makes me realize that I would need the type of environment that McAuley offers, in order to learn.


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