Tuesday, July 26, 2005

~ thoughts ~

Um, well, it's very busy. Still a little bit of last-minute packing to do. I'll be eating at Susan's Fish and Chips for the last time in a whole month. Oh, yes. And my family. I suppose I'll miss them, too. I'm trying to remember all the people I want to send postcards to and bring back souveneirs (spelling?) for. The Venegas family is just great. I'm not nervous at all, which means I'm either very, very level-headed or in complete denial. I don't think I quite realize I'm going to South America yet. I guess I haven't really completely realized how far away that is. But it's not really the physical distance, I guess. I think it's the fact that it's so different from anything I've ever done before. I wonder if anyone is cutting it as close as I am with the packing...

Leigh : )


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