Sunday, July 10, 2005

~ continue preparation of the Blog ~
Been working on the Blog site today - trying to figure out how people learn about it and access it. Someone please e-mail me or post a response to this when you get it so I KNOW that it is working.

I got the appointment today with the Chilean Consulate in Boston - for next Thursday at 11a.m. We'll have our Wednesday night meeting with the Notary, then I'm off the next day to BeanTown to be "approved".
I also realized today that I cannot find all the photos of the girls ... they are SOMEWHERE on a CD, but between home and school ... (?) Ah well. Either they will show up OR I will have to re-request photos ... [sorry, girls. As if you don't have enough to do.]

Today is finally a gorgeous summer day in Maine! Last week I'd come on line, compare the weather here in Maine (ie: summer) to that of Santiago (ie: winter) and basically they were the same! I told the LadyLions at our last meeting: "well, we're going into weather basically like this, maybe 5-8 degrees colder". But today is beautiful, and what I said no longer pertains. It will be nice to get a FEW days of summer in this year!

Thinking about the Cheverus HS group and that they only have this one last week in Santiago. Next week we plan to have a get-together to share experiences and thoughts and suggestions. Also, I'm hoping the LadyLions are doing well on their PowerPoint presentations. Working to make them interesting and interactive.

Signing off for now. Interested in responses!



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Monday, 11 July, 2005  

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